Unveiling the Magic of Ostara
(originally written on wickedobscura.com)
Ostara is an ancient pagan festival that celebrates the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. It’s a time to celebrate fertility, growth, new beginnings, and nature’s beauty. Even today, many people around the world still observe this spiritual holiday by engaging in activities and ceremonies that honor this special day. Let’s explore what Ostara has to offer!
The Meaning Of Ostara
Ostara is a term derived from the Germanic goddess Eostre or Eastre who is associated with the dawn and sunrise. This pagan festival marks the equinox, which usually happens on March 20th or 21st each year. The days are becoming longer as we move towards summer, while night and day become equal in length during this magical period of time. It’s an important day for pagans as they look forward to better weather ahead and celebrate nature’s abundance after a long winter.
Traditions And Rituals
Ostara celebrations involve rituals such as decorating eggs (which symbolize fertility) and performing rituals in honor of Eostre or other deities associated with fertility, such as Ishtar or Astarte. Some also engage in egg hunts where participants search for decorated eggs hidden around their homes or gardens. People also often enjoy feasts filled with fresh fruits and vegetables harvested from their own gardens or local markets in order to celebrate the arrival of spring produce!
Themed decorations such as candles, flowers, sun symbols, and rabbit images can also be seen throughout this holiday season as these items represent fertility and rebirth.
Additionally, some take part in bonfires at night to symbolize cleansing away negative energies from wintertime before welcoming in a new season with positivity. Other activities may include making seasonal crafts out of natural materials like twigs, leaves, pinecones, etc., drinking herbal teas to cleanse the body of toxins accumulated over wintertime, meditating outdoors under starlight, etc.
Ostara is an ancient pagan festival that honors renewal and rebirth during springtime with traditional rituals such as egg hunts, bonfires, etc., that bring communities together in gratitude for nature’s abundance after a long winter season.
Whether you’re looking for spiritual awakening or simply wish to join your local community in celebration – Ostara is sure to bring its own unique brand of magic into your life! Embrace it!
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