The Magick Of Moon Water
(This blog was originally written via wickedobscura.com)
The Moon rules over the intuitive aspects of the self and when we align ourselves with the Moon, we’re tapping into an ancient energy current. One simple way to do this is by making Moon water.
As the name suggests, moon water is simply water that has had time to sit under the light of the moon and soak up some of its power. The exact origins of moon water are unclear. From some research done, the practice of making moon water has origins in witchcraft and has been around since at least the 1800s.
You can create Moon water by leaving water with specific intent outdoors to charge under the moonlight. Because the Moon affects the ocean’s tides, there’s already an energetic connection between the element of water and the Moon.

The Magic Of The Moon
Moon water can be used for rituals, spell work, brewing magical potions and elixirs, healing, cleansing, manifestation, and much more. All it takes is getting creative with its uses.
If you want to amplify your next ritual, moon water is a great addition. It can technically be made during any moon phase. However, moon water is collected during a Full Moon, Super Moon, or New Moon, where the energy is heightened and most effective.
Here are the moon phases to get an idea of different types of energy and intent you can focus on when making your own moon water:
- New Moon: Fresh starts, setting intentions, cleaning, new beginnings, clarity
- Waxing Crescent: Growth, planning, taking action, intentions, motivations, attractions, success
- First Quarter: Creativity, divination, calming, action
- Waxing Gibbous: Refine, observe, good health, good health, momentum
- Full Moon: Power, success, goals coming to fruition, charging items, clarity, healing
- Waning Gibbous: Undoing bindings & curses, introspect
- Third Quarter: Break bad habits, banish, break curses
- Waning Crescent: Releasing, letting go, banishing, balance, success, wisdom, atonement
You can also expand beyond just the moon phase and look at what astrological sign the moon is placed in. For example, if you find out the next upcoming Full Moon is in Scorpio, perhaps you may really want to tap into the Scorpion healing and transformative energy. You can then focus your intent and creation of moon water around this particular sign.

How To Make Moon Water
Find a clear glass bottle or jar and cleanse it before use. Any type of cleansing incense would work fine for this.
After filling your jar with water, place it under the moon. You can do this by a window or leave it outside overnight. Make sure to put your intentions into the water. This is where the magic happens.
You can enhance your moon water by adding clear quartz. This is called a “direct” elixir. Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, and Rose Quartz are all safe for this process. If you wish to use other crystals for this, make sure to check to see if your crystals are safe in water. Some crystals, like for example Malachite, are toxic in water. Others will simply dissolve, such as selenite. So please be careful and do your research beforehand.
You can also add fine silver into your water to infuse it with silver’s energy of protection and purification. It can also help to awaken your psychic abilities.
If you are not sure if it’s safe to make an elixir with a certain type of stone, you can make an “indirect” elixir where the crystals are touching the outside of the glass. The water is still getting their energy, and this makes it safe to drink or use.

How You Use Moon Water
“Moon water is versatile and a magical way to alchemize energy,”– Quinn and Bowles.

There are so many fun ways you can utilize your moon water. You can make a psychic tea before doing a reading or performing divination use, water your plants, use it in specific rituals, bless your stones, add it to any sprays to help cleanse your home, and add it to a ritual bath. Moon water has endless possibilities when using it. The most important thing to remember is that you made it with YOUR intent. So have fun, and get creative with its uses.
PLEASE NOTE: While most occasions are fine to make moon water, eclipse moon energy is volatile and chaotic. Eclipses are dark and can reveal our shadows, making them a time to release. Just be mindful and understand the energy you want to work with. The powerful and influential cleansing energies of the moon can be harnessed and preserved by making moon water. So we recommend not making your water, charging crystals, or manifesting during these times if you’re not understanding of the chaotic energy of the eclipse.