Start Your New Perfect Sleep Ritual
(This blog was originally written via wickedobscura.com)
It’s very evident that we are currently living in the Age Of Aquarius (cue the song!).
With the breaking down of social structures left and right and the rebuilding of new ones, to the vast array of gleaming technology in the palms of our hands, we are completely immersed in this new phase. Although as an Aquarian I’m feeling much at home in this new phase, I also can’t help but struggle with the growth of technology and its effects it has on all of us nowadays. It seems to make like life easier, but it is also more difficult all in one. I’ve had way more distractions, and I find myself glued to a blue screen whether that be on a phone or a computer daily- which leads to many lingering issues like- terrible sleep.
As we know, with Yin/Yang, everything needs a balance, including ourselves. While it’s great to enjoy the perks of our generation in being able to have such innovative inventions, we need to remember to take time to focus and listen to ourselves each day. To center ourselves within this vast universe, we find ourselves in. This can all start with, believe it or not, a good night’s sleep.
Are you ready to find balance in yourself and get some good sleep? Try this sleep ritual for 3 or more consecutive nights to reprogram your sleep patterns!
1.) Tuck a medicine pillow into the corner of your pillowcase.
What’s a medicine pillow? Sounds strange, I know, but it’s simply a pillow filled with the right herbs, oils, and crystals to help you relax and sleep. You can easily create one of these yourself by filling a small pouch with any combination of herbs. For a good night’s sleep, we recommend using lavender, mugwort, bay, thyme, oregano, chamomile and rosemary. You can also add a few drops of bergamot oil (a favorite of ours), and include one or more small crystals that have been charged with your intention of a peaceful sleep. INTENTION IS IMPORTANT! You want to have good sleep, so make sure you do it!
2.) Do 20 minutes of restorative yoga.
Don’t panic. This isn’t the type of yoga where you’re doing handstands and flipping upside down. This yoga is to help you stretch and get your body ready for its much-needed rest. There are many guided classes available online that you can find on YouTube to get you started. If yoga just isn’t your cup of tea, no worries! Do some light stretching and meditate for about 5 minutes. If you need help with learning how to meditate, check out our friends Rob and Steve. They have a few guided meditations you can listen to and they also do a lovely job of explaining the best way to prepare yourself before and during a meditation.
3.) Pour a bath.
Sounds simple enough, and it is. Add some Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender or bergamot oil into the tub while it fills up. You can even light some candles to make this more of a ritual bath. Wicked Obscura also has a wonderful evening bath soak you can try out to be part of this nightly ritual called Little Briar Rose. And if you end up using our little sleeping beauty, Little Briar Rose, let us know if it helped with your sleep ritual!
4.) Have a cup of chamomile or passionflower tea while your tub draws.
Both of these teas are fantastic for calming and centering oneself. As you sip, be sure to set the intention for a restful sleep.
5.) Choose something to focus your thoughts on while you bathe.
It can be some calming music (check out our Spotify playlist for Sleeping Beauty!), a candle flame or simply your breathing in and out. Allow your mind to wander, but if any stressful thoughts or worries come about, just bring yourself back to this focal point.
6.) After your bath, hop into bed and journal or read.
Get away from the phones and keep yourself centered. As you hop into bed, either grab yourself a book to read or a journal. Let your thoughts and feelings pour out onto the paper. Either way, you’re focusing on yourself and being relaxed.
7.) Ready to sleep? Take 10 deep breaths and aim for at least 4 counts on both the inhale and exhale.
Breathing is so important and is an easy way to get focused again on the job at hand, which is a peaceful night’s sleep. With breathing in and out, you can also focus on getting rid of the last remaining negative energy still stored up from the day. Breathe in warmth, light, and peace, and exhale all the negative energy within you.
I hope these tips can help you in developing a nightly ritual that you can use daily. Of course, all of these recommendations are my own, so feel free to take inspiration from them and make your own routine for yourself. Many blessings to you and sweet dreams!
*Consult your doctor before using essential oils, herbs, and supplements to make sure you aren’t allergic to any listed above. It’s also good to check before using these oils, herbs, and supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding.