Set POSITIVE Intentions For Your New Year Ahead
(This blog was originally written via aerisysintuitivehealing.com)
A new year, a new YOU!
We all hear that phrase a lot once Christmas is over and all the commercials for “diet plans” and “gym memberships” begin to flood our TV screens. After all the unhealthy holiday eating and lounging around from retreating from the cold weather, we can’t help ourselves from taking a glance at what a “new” us could look like.
Once the new year rolls around, it’s all about setting those new intentions and resolutions. The past year is always filled with highs and lows, once it hits its end, we often look at what needs to change. Growth and change are always good and needed to grow as a person, but it’s good to make sure we’re being realistic with our goals and seeking out positive change. So how do we do that? It’s all in how you word it.
Here are a couple of ideas on how to set your new intentions/resolutions for the new year with a positive mindset.
“I’m Going On A Diet” or “I’m losing weight and my goal weight is X”
The word “diet” in itself can be toxic to many people because a diet is based on an outsider’s expectations. The same is true with having a goal weight. Who is it that’s set a standard for you that you need to lose weight or be at a certain weight? What if instead you changed your mindset and intention to “I’m going to eat healthier for 2022, and eat to nurture my body”. No set goal weight, and no criticizing you for the beautiful size and shape that you are. You’re simply just making sure that you add more nutrients and healthy eating to your daily routine to make sure you take care of your body.
“I’m going to hit the gym and exercise daily”
Not that this is a negative or bad intention, but this can be unrealistic to some people right away. So, if you want to work up to full-blown workouts weekly, maybe set the intention of “I’m going to move my body every day”. This is something you can definitely do every day. Perhaps it’s taking a walk or doing some yoga. Dancing even counts! This intention is achievable and a great way to work you up to an ideal goal of hitting the gym on a regular basis.
Get the idea?
When writing out your intentions or resolutions, make sure your mindset is positive and that the goal is achievable.
Are you looking for some cool ideas for your resolutions? Here are some that could be really fun to try for 2022:
- Focus on what makes you passionate.
- Give one compliment a day.
- Go a whole day without checking your email. And while you’re at it, put your phone away an hour before you go to bed.
- Do Random Acts of Kindness.
- Read a book a month.
- Go someplace you’ve never been