Moon Divination: Full Moon Tarot Spread
(This blog was originally written via aerisysintuitivehealing.com)
When the moon is at its brightest, it’s the perfect time to honor your achievements and release what no longer serves you. We can use the full moon as a period of inner transformation. You can think of this as releasing of the past, and stepping forward into a new frame of mind. It’s also about celebrating this new self that is coming from within you and steps moving forward during this transformation.
One of the best ways to tap into the incredible magic of the full moon is the use of divination. One of my favorite ways to gain insight during this moon phase is the use of tarot. Take a look at how you can gain some inner wisdom by incorporating this simple full moon tarot reading into your full moon ritual.
Card One: What Has Reached Its Peak?
Start by thinking about the intentions you set at the new moon. This card represents what has actually been brought into reality from your manifestation, and whether it’s your original goal or something completely different. Whatever it is, the full moon brings an opportunity to celebrate and be grateful for what has transpired. This card can help you to find the gift rather than what you expected or planned.
Card Two: What Needs To Be Seen?
This card shows the energies that have been shifting from darkness into light during this cycle. If this is the result of an unconscious process, these energies may not be fully clear and this card can help give you some clarity. The full moon brings clarity and consciousness, and this card may show where you are experiencing a revelation.
Card Three: What’s The Spotlight?
This card shows what you re consciously celebrating and manifesting. The full moon brings a sense of fulfillment and completion and this card can show not just what you have achieved, but also how you feel about it and what inner shifts it has brought you.
Card Four: How Am I Regarding Relationships?
The full moon highlights the difference between self and others and can be a key time in all of our relationships. This card may show up differences between your inner and outer selves and any projections which need to be taken back.
Card Five: What Is Preparing To Be Released?
As we prepare for the waning half of the cycle, we begin the process of letting go. This card shows the lessons of the waxing cycle and highlights what’s ready to be released.
Card Six: Magic & Wisdom Of The Moon Phase
Now pull one more card from your deck and place it down. This card is meant to give you an overall message to take away from this full moon phase.