Finding Love For Winter – Tips To Fighting Seasonal Depression
(This blog was originally written via wickedobscura.com)
Winter is always cold.
I wake up in the mornings sluggishly, throwing on a sweater and heading out to my car covered in ice that I need to quickly scrape off before I’m late for work. It gets dark early, so the day ends shortly after 5:30 PM, and my body always seems to be ready for hibernation mode. Then there’s the bother of constant dry skin and static. Everyone around me is sick with some sort of flu, and I’ve gained a few pounds from the holiday season. Yes, all the usual culprits of this frigid season.
Winter at times can seem rather hopeless, am I right? It’s not uncommon for all these factors to lead some of us into a “seasonal depression”. I didn’t really understand this type of depression until a few years ago when my best friend Joel kept telling me about how much he was struggling with his mood during this time of year. He constantly felt unmotivated to do anything and had no passion or excitement for what he was working on. The lack of sun kept him snuggled up and stuck on the couch and his usual bright self just seemed dull. The more I paid attention to this, the more I realized many people in my life seemed to share the same sentiment.
So, does Winter suck that bad?

Winter gets a bad rap. Yes, of course, I listed out a few things that make this winter season slightly annoying at times, but within the past month, I’ve gained a new mindset about the season itself. How can we learn from winter, which will bring a brighter spring?
Winter is a time to rest. We are so busy and active in the warm summer months that it’s now time to take some much-needed rest, reflect on the year before, and plan for the new year ahead. Ask yourself, how do you want to grow this year?
Just look around you at how nature responds to these winter months; Animals hibernate so they can heal and rest. Most of the plants have died, and the leaves have fallen from the trees, but all have settled in the soil, readying themselves for springtime where they can grow and flourish. We should take note of this and embrace this type of mindset ourselves during these few months.
See? Winter isn’t terrible. In fact, I argue that it’s actually essential for us to “recharge our batteries” in a sense. However, that doesn’t eliminate all of these common issues many of us find during this time. No worries, I’ve got you covered!
Here Are Some Tips To Help You Embrace The Winter Months!
Take a walk.
For one, a nice walk through the crisp, cold air can be great for the lungs and can help clear the mind. For someone who is always in their head, this is a real relief. Then look around you as you walk. Winter can actually be beautiful. I know what you’re thinking- how can the bare trees lingering in areas where it’s just wet, muddy and no snow be beautiful? Let’s face it, most places in winter do not look like cute little picturesque French chateaus surrounded by glistening snow. When you take a walk, have a look around. What color is the sky? Do you see the sun? Maybe the moon? What stories are the trees telling you? Any fun walkways to take yourself on an adventure? You can make this experience as miserable or as beautiful as you want it.
Soak in a hot bath.
I love baths, especially when it’s super cold outside. If you have a bathtub this is the perfect time of year to soak it up and take some much-needed “me” time. Light a few candles, place some music, throw in some of Wicked Obscura’s Bathery’s Bliss Milk Bath, and just soak. Not only will this also help clear your mind and center yourself, but you’re also healing your body. You don’t have a bath? No worries! I super hot and long shower will do the trick.
Eat seasonal fruits and veggies.
Certain vegetables and fruits grow during this time of year. Look online to see which ones are in season and pull those to make some wintery dishes. This can help you get some much-needed vitamins and nutrition that you need during this season. Let Mother Nature take care of you.
Heal your skin.
Your skin is the biggest organ in your body. We should take care of it like we do everything else. So, let’s work on getting rid of that dry skin by adding some nutrients and moisture. Be sure to lotion daily and keep up with a daily face routine.
Rest. It’s okay to have more evenings on the couch or in bed. As a society, we’re always GO GO GO. Take more time at home in your sacred space and just rest your body. You’ll be amazed at what a little extra sleep can do for you.
Take this downtime to spend with friends and family.
Sick of staying home alone on the couch? These cold months are the perfect opportunity to have much-needed movie nights with friends. You’re never too old for a pajama party, am I right? Have some game nights, drink some wine, and get some time with the ones you love most.

Reflect on the past year and plant your seeds for the new year.
It’s time to grow. Take some time and look back on the past year. What was successful? What wasn’t? Was anything holding you back? Were you happy with how you handled things? How was your growth? Take out an old journal jot some of these questions down and then answer them for yourself. With everything you learned from the year before, how are you going to take all of that and now use it to grow into this new year?