Modern Witchcraft & SpiritualityDiscovering Your Inner Wisdom

Discovering Your Inner Wisdom

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Who are you? What makes you tick? How do you make decisions that bring out the best in yourself and those around you? The answers to these questions can be found by tapping into your inner wisdom. This is the deep knowledge within us that knows what is right and just, even when our mind tells us otherwise. Here’s how to get started.

Be Still and Listen

The first step in connecting with your inner wisdom is to stop and listen. This means taking time to be still—no cell phones, no emails, no distractions—just pure stillness. When we take a pause from the hustle and bustle of life, we give ourselves a chance to hear our own thoughts clearly without interference from outside sources. Make a conscious decision to set aside some time for yourself each day—whether it’s 10 minutes or two hours—and practice being present at the moment. Re-center yourself by focusing on your breath as it moves through your body, noticing how everything feels without judgment or attachment. This will help open up space for new ideas, solutions, and perspectives to come through.

Explore Your Intuition

Your intuition contains so much valuable information about who you are and what matters most in life. It’s an internal compass that helps guide us in times of uncertainty and doubt. To tap into this source of knowledge, start asking yourself intuitive questions like “What do I need right now?” or “What would make me feel whole at this moment?” Allow yourself time to sit with these questions until something pops up within you that resonates deeply with the truth. You may find insights coming through as feelings rather than words but trust that whatever arrives is meant specifically for you and is worth exploring further.

Trust Yourself

Once you begin listening more deeply to your inner voice, it becomes easier to trust your decisions from a place of understanding rather than fear or second-guessing yourself all the time. As you practice being mindful of where your thoughts are coming from (intuition vs ego), make sure not to discount any information that arises for fear of being wrong or judged by others; instead embrace it as part of the learning process! The more confidence you have in yourself, the easier it will be for your inner wisdom to shine through.

Finding one’s inner wisdom can be a challenging yet rewarding journey full of self-discovery and personal growth!

Start by taking some time each day for stillness and self-reflection so that messages from within can come forward unhindered by external noise or distraction. Explore different avenues such as asking intuitive questions and trusting whatever comes up as part of this process; even if it doesn’t always make sense right away! When done consistently over time, connecting with one’s inner wisdom can become second nature – allowing us all access to powerful insight whenever we need it most!


The divine feminine is a powerful and ancient concept that has been around since the beginning of time. It’s an energy that exists in all of us, regardless of gender or sexuality, and it’s rooted in harmony, balance, and connection. Read more in my article: EXPLORING THE MAGIC OF THE DIVINE FEMININE
