9 Ways To Invoke The Power Of the Sun This Summer Solstice
(This blog was originally written via aerisysintuitivehealing.com)
The Sun impacts our lives like no other force in the universe.
It’s the life force of our solar system and the reason why we’re here. It’s also a constant reminder that we were born in the heart of an exploding star many billions of years ago. In addition to sustaining life on Earth, the potent energy of this mighty star can lend a powerful spark to daily magic and your energy flow. Did you know…
• You can harness the energy of sunrise, noon, and sunset: Sunrise is a great time to address matters like new beginnings, money-drawing, and fertility. The afternoons work well for charging and power raising. Sunset is ideal for things like elimination and binding.
• You can chase away the blues: Sun magic is a perfect way to address the spiritual side of sadness, anxiety, and nightmares.
Here are a few other ways you can utilize the Sun and its incredible bright power this Summer Solstice.

Don’t throw away those lemon rinds! Lemon is the ultimate sun symbol. The bright yellow citrus captures solar energy and stores it in one power-packed little fruit. You can make a tea with lemon, or simply cut up slices of it and add it to your water bottle for the day.
You can also pour lemon water near the roots of a sturdy tree and make a wish!
You can make magic sun water using the energies contained in the sun salt below by adding the sun salt to a spray bottle of water, then shaking well until dissolved. You can then spray the sun water when you require its magical powers.
This magic sun water is also powerful when used in spaces that you work in, such as the office or studio, and particularly good if you need to draw creative energy for brainstorming ideas and the like.
You can add a piece of citrine, a few drops of lemon essential oil, or a handful of sunflower petals into your water to charge. You can also place it on an altar as a symbol of the divine masculine, pour it into your bathwater to “brighten” your mood, or use it as healing water.

If you want to use the power of the sun in your spells, you can easily create your own sun salt. One of the best times to do this is the summer solstice.
Place your sea salt in a bowl, put it in view of the solstice sun, and leave it for about three hours. If Midsummer has already gone, a beautiful day of blue skies and the sun shining is equally good at creating magical sun salt. Afterward, carefully pour the salt into a clean jam jar and tie a yellow ribbon around it.
Not into spell-casting? That’s okay! Sprinkle your newly made salt into some of your favorite recipes! You’re still consuming sun energy.
Pack a picnic and find a good vantage point to watch the sunset over a blessed meal. Try eating fresh summer vegetables from a farmer’s market. Toast the sunset with a bright drink, like dry champagne or a citrus cocktail.

One of my favorite ways to invoke the power of the sun to restore my energy field is to do a simple meditation outside in the morning as the sun rises. However, you can do this at three points in the day (whichever one feels best to you): sunrise, midday, and sunset. Take yourself outside and let the sun beam down on you. Close your eyes and say…
“May The Light Of The Sun Illuminate My Heart, So My Heart May Illuminate The World,” I say this 3x’s, but feel it in your heart to know how many times to say it.
Did you know the Sun has an incredible ability to help with money and career issues? You can perform a powerful sun spell to draw money flowing towards you and for it to follow you instead of away from you.
Have a sunflower in a vase next to you as you do this spell. On a yellow card, write lots of money symbols (e.g. $), and then say:
“Magic flower of the sun
Away from me, my finances run.
Money flow now to me
And it harms none, so mote it be.”

There’s always a good reason to make some sweets, and with Summer Solstice a little zest of lemon is just the kick that you need to jumpstart some Sun power. Once you enjoy these cakes, you can leave them on an altar or in the woodlands as an offering for joy and abundance.