Magical Travel ExperiencesAdventure Travel5 Chilling Tales from the Black Forest of Germany

5 Chilling Tales from the Black Forest of Germany

(originally written on


It has been an inspiration for many stories throughout the years, including some truly eerie tales. From witches to lost souls, these stories will give you goosebumps! So settle in and prepare to be spooked by these five chilling tales from the Black Forest of Germany.

The Witch of Hinterkaifeck

This story dates back to 1922 when a farmer and his family were found brutally murdered in their home located in the heart of the forest. To this day, no one knows who killed them or why they were targeted. What’s even more peculiar is that witnesses reported seeing a strange woman lurking around the farm before and after the murders took place. Some say she was a witch who cast a deadly spell on the family, while others insist it was simply an unrelated serial killer who happened to stumble upon them. No matter what you believe, this mystery remains unsolved and utterly terrifying!

The Grimm Brothers’ Tales

It’s no surprise that two of Germany’s most famous authors found inspiration in the dark woods surrounding their homeland. The brothers Grimm wrote hundreds of stories set within these woods, including tales such as Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Cinderella. While these stories are certainly enchanting (and often adapted into movies today), they can also be quite dark at times. The original versions feature plenty of spine-tingling moments that will keep you up at night!  

The Watcher of Schonach

Since 1990, locals living near Schonach have reported seeing a mysterious figure watching them from afar. Witnesses describe him as being tall with long black hair and pale skin—almost as if he were undead! Some suggest he could be an escaped prisoner from a nearby prison camp; others claim he may be an evil spirit seeking revenge for an ancient wrong committed against his people centuries ago… Whatever truth lies behind this creepy tale remains unknown.

Curses In The Woods

This particular story is said to date back to 1590 when villagers caught three witches practicing black magic deep within the forest’s darkest depths. After being captured and put on trial, all three women were sentenced to death by burning at the stake—but not before one final curse was uttered: “When your children walk through my woods again centuries later, they shall know true terror.” To this day there are still reports of people feeling unusually scared while walking through certain parts of the forest late at night…

The Lost Souls Of The Black Forest

According to legend, there are numerous lost souls wandering through the woods looking for redemption from their past sins—most notably those cursed by witches centuries ago! These poor souls wander endlessly through its paths hoping one day they’ll find peace in death—and perhaps even salvation along their journey… Whether or not this story is true remains unknown but it’s certainly enough to make anyone think twice about venturing too far into these dark woods!

From witches’ curses to spectral figures lurking in shadows—the Black Forest has provided us with plenty of spooky tales over time which are sure to keep you up late at night thinking about what might lurk out there among those trees…

Whether you believe any of them or not is up to you but it’s always fun (and sometimes scary) imagining what might be hiding inside these ancient woods! Have you ever heard any other eerie stories inspired by Germany’s Black Forest? We’d love to hear them!

Want to learn about the wicked Black Forest?

From its dense stands of evergreens to its mysterious wildlife, the Black Forest is home to a wealth of wonders just waiting to be discovered. Read more in the related article: THE MYSTERIOUS BLACK FOREST: EXPLORING ITS SECRETS